
Open-Source Prosthetics

Open-Source Prosthetics: "D H NG writes 'Wired News has a story about the non-profit Open Prosthetics Project. The organization was founded last year by Jonathan Kuniholm, a graduate student in biomedical engineering at Duke University who lost his arm below the elbow in Iraq. Open Prosthetics Project applies the ethical and intellectual property foundation of open-source software to the task of building better artificial limbs. So far, the project has produced a 'handful' of useful homebrew prosthetic hacks, and is closing in on a solution that would dramatically improve the functionality of the common hook device.'



How to upgrade micronucleus

micro micronucleus nucleus 是 ATtiny/ ATMega328p的bootloder, 它的过人之处是给这些芯片带来usb支持. 使得它们可以直接通过usb口来烧录. 我购买了很多 digispark 开发板. 这些开发板小巧方便价格低廉. ...